
Smart Approved WaterMark

Tecnovap now have the
"Smart Approved WaterMark" stamp

Smart Approved WaterMark is Australia’s water conservation label. This allows businesses to purchase products that save water, and actively engage in the efficient use of water.

Smartwater Logo

Jetsteam RangeJetvac Range

What does this mean for your facility?

Use Less WaterUse Superheated Dry Steam

Which machines have the stamp?

Jetsteam MaxiJetsteam proJetsteam ToscaJetvac Junior Jetvac ProJetvac CompactJetvac MajorJetvac  Maxi

Tecnovap Steam Cleaning Equipment
Reviewed by Suzannah, Swept Away Eco Services on .
Tecnovap Industrial Equipment
Tecnovap compact steamer has been very effective as it has saved us money and time considering that it is a green cleaning system allowing for much versatility for different jobs utilising one steam cleaner. Especially Jetsteam Maxi Inox steamer.
Rating: 5